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October 28, 2016

More Than 100 Dakota Access Pipeline Activists Arrested

Tensions escalated Thursday at the Dakota Access Pipeline camp, as soldiers and police used pepper spray and bean bags to oust protesters from the site. As of now construction of the controversial pipeline continues.

Last week our national campaigner Tristan wrote about the #NoDAPL movement and what we can learn from it to tackle climate change.

Kenya’s “Karate Grannies”

In Nairobi, Kenya, a group of elderly women are learning martial arts to defend themselves against sex attackers. The oldest is 85 years old!

In some parts of Kenya, older women are often victims of rape due to the belief that they are less likely to have HIV, because they’ve lived so long.

The World’s Most Generous Country?

Myanmar wins, again. According to the Charities Aid Foundation World Giving Index, the Southeast Asian country ranks No. 1 for the third year in a row.

According to the foundation, the index measures countries by the proportion of the population that gives, rather than the amount they give.

For a country making up less than one percent of the world population – and still recovering from last year’s floods, this is an especially notable feat.