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Staff Blog

This is our space for sharing our thoughts and reflections on all aspects of our work, and keeping you and our supporters abreast of the latest developments that affect our common struggles for justice. Subscribe to stay updated!


Is financial sustainability a feasible goal for nonprofits?

May 28, 2024 By Meredith Slater

I recently had the opportunity to take a step back and review my seven years as Director of Development for ActionAid USA. I was putting together an internal presentation about my job, and realized it gave me the perfect excuse to reflect on accomplishments as well as think through where…

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Why Nakba Day is different this year

May 15, 2024 By Niranjali Amerasinghe

76 years.   Today marks 76 years since the displacement, depopulation, and despair of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, otherwise known as the Nakba, meaning “the catastrophe.”   76 years later and effectively nowhere, and no one, in Gaza is safe.   Airstrikes are intensifying, thousands are yet again fleeing, and aid delivery…

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Recommitting to Palestinian rights this Passover

April 22, 2024 By Meredith Slater

Tonight marks the first night of Passover – a celebration of the Biblical exodus of the Jewish people out of slavery and into the Promised Land.  Passover happens to be my favorite Jewish holiday, as I have always found strong connections between the exodus of the ancient Israelites and the…

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Climate finance: quantity matters, but so does quality

June 5, 2023 By Brandon Wu

Last week, Reuters released a major investigative piece on climate finance The authors examined 10% of climate finance flows reported by developed countries to the UN, finding that: “at least $3 billion spent not on solar panels or wind farms but on coal-fired power, airports, crime-fighting or other programs that…

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Parts of the U.S. are becoming uninsurable due to climate change

June 1, 2023 By Brandon Wu

One of the bigger stories of this past weekend came with the bland heading “California New Business Update” – State Farm, the biggest homeowner insurance company in California, is no longer accepting new homeowner or property insurance applications from anyone in California. The reasons? Rising construction costs, “rapidly growing catastrophe…