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May 29, 2019

Everyone has the right to decent work, a living wage, and equal pay. But obstacles in society and the global economy still prevent women and other marginalized people from fully enjoying these rights. That’s why we’re campaigning: Women Workers, Unite! 

The Secretary General of ActionAid International, Adriano Campolina, was in town earlier this month and I asked him about our new global campaign:

I’m Adriano Campolina, Secretary General of ActionAid International. We have just launched our Global Campaign on decent work and access to services for women across the world — we are very excited about this. We have launched the campaign in 15 different countries and we have started the first phase of the campaign with petitions to ensure the approval of a convention on gender-based violence in the workplace. This has mobilized many, many countries. This is also the beginning of the preparation for the next phase of the campaign that will look at issues of access for women to public services that are responsive to women’s needs. We will also be looking into unpaid care.

ActionAid is building up relationships with a range of new partners, particularly from the feminist movement, who we already know,  but also new relationships with the labor unions and organizations that are in the same struggle. So that’s a good start for the campaign and I hope that each one of us, supporters, staff, volunteers, will join our activities over the coming month.

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