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POSTS BY paulf


5 Reasons Rex Tillerson Shouldn’t Be the Next Secretary of State

January 26, 2017 By

On Monday night, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee voted to back Rex Tillerson, President Trump’s pick for Chief Diplomat, clearing the way for approval by the full Senate. Every nominee for the State Department’s top job in the last four decades has been approved overwhelmingly by votes from both sides,…

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#WhyIMarch: Why I Joined the Women’s March on Washington

January 21, 2017 By

Today, I joined thousands of people in Washington D.C. and many more around the world for the Women’s March on Washington. I marched because I stand against the racist, sexist and authoritarian behavior and rhetoric that Trump has adopted. I reject the culture of corporate collusion that he’s promoting –…

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Why We Oppose Big Oil Boss Tillerson as Secretary of State

December 13, 2016 By

Earlier today, after weeks of speculation, President-elect Trump confirmed Rex Tillerson, Chairman and CEO of ExxonMobil, as his choice to be the next Secretary of State. I have chosen one of the truly great business leaders of the world, Rex Tillerson, Chairman and CEO of ExxonMobil, to be Secretary of…


Imagine If We All Spent One Day A Month Building Our Communities

February 10, 2016 By

The usually bustling Kigali streets are remarkably empty this Saturday morning, but it’s not quiet. It’s the last Saturday of the month – community work day. On my way to join some of my colleagues and take part, I walked past public parks where people were weeding and taking care…

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From Famine to Food Secure

December 21, 2015 By

In the midst of headlines on the refugee and climate crises, you may have seen mentions of a growing famine in North East Africa. And while it’s a different crisis, the responsibility remains with the same global powers that were meeting in Paris for the climate talks and in Nairobi for…