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Alberta Guerra

Alberta Guerra

Senior Policy Analyst

Meet Alberta, one of our Senior Policy Analysts here at ActionAid USA! She is constantly diving headfirst into issues like food security and the right to food, agroecology, and global governance.

Prior to joining ActionAid USA, Alberta worked for six years in the ActionAid International Secretariat as Food Rights Advisor and as ActionAid International’s liaison with the Committee on World Food Security, IFAD, and FAO in Rome. She supported the advocacy work of the International Food Security Network, a partnership of more than 1,100 organizations across the world supported by ActionAid and other partners.

She has always been a strong supporter of engagement for social movements in global spaces. Since 2013, she has been the Northern NGOs member of the Coordination Committee of the Civil Society and Indigenous Peoples’ Mechanism, which facilitates the engagement of CSOs and social movements at the Committee on World Food Security.

Before her time at ActionAid, she worked for an Italian Development NGO member of the European Network CIDSE as food policy officer and trade campaigner. Her collection of degrees, including an MSc in Peace Education, International Cooperation, Human Rights, and European Union Politics and a master's degree in political science from La Sapienza University prepared her for a lifetime of fighting the good fight. Alberta can speak English, Spanish, and French.

I’m an expert! Talk to me about:  

Agroecology; the Right to Food and Agriculture; Food Security. 


POSTS BY Alberta Guerra

Insight /

Defunding industrial agriculture in favor of sustainable alternatives like agroecology is key in the fight against the climate crisis and food insecurity

September 5, 2023 By

Even the most ardent climate change denialists would have been stumped by the extraordinary weather patterns across Europe, the Americas, and Asia in July. It is now in the history books that July 2023 was the hottest month since records began. As global temperatures increase, the United Nations has warned that…

Blog Post

Food crisis becoming the new normal

May 3, 2023 By

The leaders of development agencies and big donors, such as the EU and the United States, gathered today to comment on the Global Report on Food Crises 2023, which is dramatically alarming. In the words of the World Bank Director during the launch: “food crises, once exceptional, are becoming the…

Blog Post /

Famine at the door

September 8, 2022 By

In a statement on Monday, Martin Griffiths, head of the UN’s Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs,  said that “famine was at the door” and was likely to occur in south-central Somalia between October and December this year.  But the alarm is not just for Somalia. Many countries are suffering from…