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September 30, 2016

9 out of 10 people live in areas of air pollution

According to the World Health Organization, air breathed by 92% of people around the world exceeds pollution guidelines. The dirty air leaves them at higher risk of heart disease, strokes and cancer.

Women, children and older adults are most vulnerable to the effects of air pollution. The organization says that nearly 90% of air pollution-related deaths occur in low and middle income countries.

Indian woman attacked with acid for reporting rape

A woman in India was attacked with acid for reporting a rape, suffering burns on her face and neck.

There are 1,000 cases of acid attacks in India every year, where convicted attackers face 10 years in prison.

Despite efforts by campaigners, acid remains readily available in Indian markets, meaning that many victims are silenced by fear of another attack.

The woman in this attack has refused to withdraw her complaint.

Women farmers hit hardest by drought in southern Africa

This year, southern Africa has seen one of the worst droughts in decades, and local farmers are faced with a long hungry season before the next harvest is ready.

With increasingly uncertain rainfall in the region, farmers have been forced to turn to irrigation to prevent their crops from dying. The problem, however, is that male and female farmers have deeply unequal rights to critical resources, including water.