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Ehab Elsawaf

Ehab Elsawaf

Senior Major Gifts Officer

Meet Ehab! He is a career fundraiser who has worked with ActionAid USA since 2016. As AAUSA’s Senior Major Gifts Officer, he is responsible for raising vital resources from a diverse group of donors, most notably individual major donors, who are interested in supporting the organization’s mission and ensuring the growth and sustainability of its programs for years to come.

Ehab has a successful track record of linking altruists with the programs that best match their interests, raising important funds for critical humanitarian efforts along the way. A self-proclaimed “extra” extrovert, he has a passion for human rights and a proclivity for relationship building, which help make his day job quite enjoyable! In his work, Ehab has traveled to, and met with communities in, Brazil and the West Bank, and has represented ActionAid USA at a variety of conferences and events throughout the U.S.

Ehab holds a degree in Biology and began his development career in event fundraising for cancer research. His Arab-American background helped shape his interest in social justice and international work. In his spare time, he enjoys distance running, chasing his toddler around (which feels like distance running), dad jokes, and all things travel and adventure.

Interested in talking about philanthropy or the latest and greatest in giving trends, like crypto, DAFs, and bequests? Drop him a line!

I’m an expert! Talk to me about:  

Philanthropy; Fundraising; Disaster Response; Humanitarian Aid.  


POSTS BY Ehab Elsawaf


“Muslim Ban 2.0” Underlines Politics of Division

March 6, 2017 By

“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free”* *Unless you’re from Syria, Sudan, Yemen, Iran, Somalia or Libya I may not have originated from one of those six Muslim-majority countries, but I am a Muslim and a part of the majority of people in this…

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No, Trump, It Doesn’t Work

February 4, 2017 By

I’m a six-foot-four, middle-eastern, Muslim man. I have a beard and brown skin and I fast during Ramadan. I’m a first-generation American born to parents that immigrated to the U.S. in the 1970s. And I value inclusion, humanity and dignity. Does that seem radical? Many of my formative years took…

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Zika Concerns Grow Ahead of Rio Olympics

May 26, 2016 By

With only 8 weeks to go until the start of the Rio Olympics, the Zika virus is back in the headlines. Some athletes have revised plans to travel to Brazil for pre-Olympic training camps, while others have pulled out completely. I recently returned from my first international trip with ActionAid,…