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November 18, 2016

Friday, November 18, 2016

Standing Rock Sioux Tribe Releases Short Film

Neither side is backing down. The Standing Rock Sioux released a new documentary this week on their resistance against the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL). The eight-minute film can be viewed on their website and Facebook page. On November 15 tens of thousands of people in cities across the United States marched in support of Standing Rock, as part of the #NoDAPL National Day of Action, one day after the U.S. government decided to delay ruling on the pipeline.

Despite ongoing opposition against the pipeline, the company behind the project plans to see it through to completion.

Rohingya Muslims Stranded Between Myanmar and Bangladesh

Hundreds of Rohingya Muslims are trying to escape western Myanmar following another military crackdown on suspected Islamist militants. Nearly 90 Rohingya were rejected by Bangladeshi border guards on Tuesday night, and about 200 were stuck at the border. Making up a small percentage of Myanmar’s Buddhist majority, the Rohingya are often considered the world’s most persecuted minority group.

Kenya Burns 5,000 Illegal Weapons

Over 5,000 illicit weapons went up in flames in Kenya on Tuesday under the direction of Kenyan Vice President William Ruto. The burning took place as an effort to fight crimes such as poaching, violence within communities and terrorism.