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April 26, 2024

Student activism in the United States has a long and storied tradition of being on the right side of history: standing up against apartheid, unbridled militarism, sweatshop labor, environmental destruction, and now the indiscriminate killing of Palestinians using U.S. weapons.

The repression of student encampments in solidarity with Palestinians is an outrage. The militarized police crackdowns we’re now seeing show that the U.S. ruling class thinks there is more to fear from students sitting in tents protesting mass murder than from mass murder itself.

The result has been entirely predictable: repression leads to outrage, which leads to further mobilization. Encampments have spread around the country. We stand in solidarity with the students speaking out on the horrific U.S. role in supporting the violence in Gaza. Youth voices have a unique moral authority, and it’s time we heed their call. The U.S. must stop arming the Israeli military and use its power to call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire, the release of all hostages, and an end to the occupation of Palestinian territory.

Statement from ActionAid International:

ActionAid stands with all students peacefully mobilizing for a Palestine free from occupation and violence.

ActionAid partners with tens of thousands of movements globally calling for justice, equality, and rights. Palestinian rights and lives are being attacked at horrific levels, and we must support those seeking justice, accountability, and an end to hostilities.

Threats based on identity or beliefs have no place on campuses anywhere in the world. Protect young people and amplify their voices.

Let’s unite in community as we strive for a free Palestine.

Demand a ceasefire now!

The urgency of the situation cannot be overstated: every single day that passes without a permanent ceasefire further deepens this stain on humanity’s collective conscience. The violence must stop, hostages must be freed, innocent captives must be released, and humanitarian aid must flow freely. It is critical that the U.S. takes decisive action to address the catastrophic humanitarian crisis in Gaza and upholds its obligations, bound by international law, to protect civilians in times of conflict. Your advocacy and attention to ongoing violence in Gaza is critical.