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April 12, 2024

Join us in mobilizations in April to put finance at the center of the climate story! 

We all want climate action. But to solve the climate crisis that is pushing our planet to the brink, we need to fix the world’s finance flows. 

Far more of the world’s money is still flowing to the causes of the climate crisis than to the solutions.

Let’s face it – the climate crisis is really about money. Harmful money, helpful money, too much money going to the wrong things, or too little money going to the right things. Money flows connect North and South, harmful corporations and local communities, crises and solutions. 

This is the year that we collectively boost our call to governments and banks to fix the finance flows that are failing the planet. 

On April 16-19, 2024, a global week of Climate Justice Finance Mobilisations will hold governments, UN climate talks, private banks, the IMF, the World Bank, multilateral development banks – those that hold the purse strings – to account.

Join us!

We all know that money talks. This is the year we make sure it listens.

How you can join:

Join our Week of Action (April 16th-19th) and our Digital Day of Action (Thursday, April 18th).

Week of Action (April 16th-19th): Organise or join stunts, climate strikes, workshops, actions, and demos to send a message that governments and finance institutions are failing the planet and that we need to #FixTheFinance. Don’t forget to share photos, videos, and messages on social media!

Digital Day of Action (Thursday, April 18th): Post a photo or video selfie with a banner or sign #FixTheFinance, explaining why governments and finance institutions are failing the planet and what is needed to #FixTheFinance.

Why are we mobilizing?

Banks, multilateral institutions, and regional development banks are financing the fossil fuel and harmful industrial agriculture industries that are causing the climate crisis and destroying local communities. Governments are using precious public funds to subsidize destructive international corporations instead of providing real support for community-led climate solutions. Climate disasters and multilateral institutions are pushing countries on the front lines of the climate crisis deeper into debt. Wealthy countries have broken their promises to provide the climate finance necessary to help frontline communities adapt to impacts and transition to greener pathways, and put the planet on a path to safety. Instead, they are offering loans under the banner of climate finance, pushing vulnerable countries deeper into debt traps that lead to destructive fossil fuel expansion. The global financial system is better designed to escalate – rather than address – climate change, inequality, and vulnerability.

As organizations that represent and work with youth, women, farmers, indigenous peoples, communities, and NGOs, we are planning 4 days of actions, stunts, workshops, and other activities, culminating on Friday, April 19th.

Together, we are calling on our governments to use public funds to solve the climate crisis instead of causing it, and for wealthy countries to provide the real climate finance so urgently needed on the front lines so that communities can recover from and adapt to climate impacts and transition to greener futures. We are calling on banks and multilateral institutions to stop financing the fossil fuels and harmful industrial agriculture that are driving the climate crisis and devastating communities and ecosystems. We are calling for the debt cancellation, tax justice, and shifting of finance flows needed to properly resource community-led climate solutions and just transitions.

Find out more.