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March 1, 2017

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

In response to tonight’s address from Donald Trump, Brandon Wu, Director of Policy and Campaigns at ActionAid USA, said:

“The Trump administration can’t have it both ways. The lofty rhetoric in Mr. Trump’s speech to Congress cannot hide his promotion of policies that feed on division and promote hate.

“Mr. Trump said a few nice words about civil rights and justice, but his policy proposals on immigration enforcement, law enforcement, military spending and more betray his insincerity. These policies demonize targeted groups of people and incite violence against them. They will break families, further marginalize vulnerable communities, and create division and mistrust, not unity and prosperity. They will exacerbate climate change, environmental injustice, inequality, and global instability.

“Mr. Trump will be judged on his policy proposals. His carefully worded address will not distract anyone from continuing to resist his administration’s toxic authoritarian agenda.”

