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April 3, 2024

ActionAid USA expresses profound condolences and solidarity with World Central Kitchen (WCK) in the wake of the devastating loss of their dedicated staff members in an Israeli strike. Our hearts go out to the families, friends, and colleagues of those who tragically lost their lives. 

It is unacceptable that humanitarian workers, who tirelessly dedicate themselves to alleviating suffering, are becoming casualties of conflict. The WCK staff, after providing essential food aid to Palestinians in dire need, were targeted while on their way home, despite sharing their coordinates with Israeli authorities as a precaution. This is extremely worrying in the wider context of aid, especially when food is so desperately needed in Gaza. 

As a humanitarian organization with our own dedicated staff around the world, we are acutely aware of the risks they face daily to show up for communities in need. This heartbreaking incident underscores the urgent need for all parties involved in this crisis to ensure safe humanitarian corridors. Additionally, this incident highlights the sheer scale of catastrophe that Palestinians are experiencing every day and the urgency of a permanent ceasefire.   

Humanitarian workers should never be collateral damage, nor should civilians. Their safety and security must always be respected and safeguarded. We call for a thorough investigation into this tragic event and urge for a permanent and immediate ceasefire to ensure the safety of all those enduring the horror in Gaza. 

In this time of mourning, our solidarity is steadfast and unwavering with World Central Kitchen and the people of Gaza. We reaffirm our commitment to the fundamental principle that humanitarian workers are not targets, but champions of compassion and hope. We assert that the only path towards a just and lasting peace, one that upholds the human rights of all individuals in the region and guarantees respect for the rights of the Palestinian people to freedom, dignity, and self-determination, is through a permanent and immediate ceasefire.