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October 13, 2023

Riham Jafari, Coordinator of Advocacy and Communication for Palestine, said:

We have received information that Al-Awda Hospital in Gaza, a partner of Alianza por la Solidaridad – a member of the ActionAid Federation – has been issued orders to evacuate staff and patients. Our understanding and fear is that the hospital will be bombed when that deadline expires. Let us be clear, ActionAid condemns, in the strongest terms, any act that puts innocent lives at risk, and threatening a hospital is an egregious violation of humanitarian law. Here, wounded children, amongst many other civilians, are being treated with life-threatening injuries; they simply cannot leave. We call for the immediate removal of this threat, a ceasefire, and the protection of civilians across Gaza.

Notes to editor  

Spokespeople are available:  

  • Nadim Zaghloul – ActionAid Palestine Country Director, currently in the West Bank 
  • Wisam Shweiki – Head of Programmes at ActionAid Palestine, currently in the West Bank 
  • Cristina Muñoz – Director at ActionAid Spain, currently in Madrid 
  • Gemma Cosialls – Country Manager at ActionAid Spain, currently in Jerusalem  
  • Samah Kassab – Project Manager, currently in Gaza 
  • Razmi Farook – Director of Asia and Humanitarian at ActionAid International, currently in Colombo 

For media requests, please email or call 704 665 9743.

About ActionAid

ActionAid is a global federation working with more than 15 million people living in more than 40 of the world’s poorest countries. We want to see a just, fair, and sustainable world in which everybody enjoys the right to a life of dignity and freedom from poverty and oppression. We work to achieve social justice and gender equality and to eradicate poverty.  

Support Palestinians in crisis

As the human rights of people in the occupied Palestinian territories continue to be abused, women and children are especially at risk. Gaza faces a dire lack of medical facilities, schools, and homes, as so many have been hit by Israeli airstrikes. ActionAid works in communities near the border with Israel that have been most directly affected by the violence. ActionAid's women-led response is supporting the most vulnerable and marginalized individuals and communities.