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Reaction to the Trump administration’s budget blueprint and proposal to end payments to global climate programs

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Brandon Wu, Director of Policy and Campaigns at ActionAid USA, said:

“Mr. Trump’s budget proposal makes clear that those who are poor and marginal in our society are not seen as valued human beings. It cuts programs that make a real difference in everyday people’s lives for no apparent financial or political gain.

“By cutting U.S. funding for a variety of international programs and stopping contributions altogether to institutions like the Green Climate Fund, the Trump administration is turning its back on international cooperation. It is taking away money that supports countries to reduce climate pollution and help people cope with increasing climate impacts. These are activities that have direct positive impacts on people’s lives and help create a more just and stable world for everyone, and the United States has a moral obligation to support them due to our role in causing the climate crisis.

“Like other things Trump is proposing to cut, including funding for science, the arts, and public services, U.S. funding for global climate programs delivers important benefits with a vanishingly small portion of the overall budget. Under pressure from citizens who know the urgency of climate justice, Congress must act more wisely than the administration and preserve resources that support the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people.”


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